January 2025 Update
It's January, so this month's update has an important video reflection on the challenge to be radically curious in 2025. I'd love to engage with any of you who are interested in a deeper conversation about this! This month we're also focused on the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, a global event that's been taking place annually between January 18th and 25th for over a century. Look below for ways that you can engage during this important week.
December 2024 Update
This month I'm sharing some of what the Leadership Council discerned at our November meeting and excitedly getting ready for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity that starts January 18th.
November 2024 Update
This month we're featuring another in our series of reflections from one of our members, plus some resources old and new, and some information about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity coming up in January.

What’s Love Got To Do With It? – a Sermon by Scott Brill
Our Executive Director, Scott Brill, preached this sermon titled, "What's Love Got To Do With It?," on April 23, 2023: Newton Covenant Church, Newton, MA.
The Habit of Listening – a Sermon by Scott Brill
Our Executive Director, Scott Brill, preached this sermon titled, "The Habit of Listening," on October 30, 2022: Trinity Presbyterian Church, Rye, NY.
Breaking Barriers, Keeping Connections – a Sermon by Scott Brill
Our Executive Director, Scott Brill, preached this sermon titled, "Breaking Barriers, Keeping Connections," on April 24, 2022, at Noroton Presbyterian Church, Darien, CT.
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