Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18-25, 2025

Every year since 1908, Christian communities and churches have joined together to pray for the visible unity of the Church, faithfully abiding by the will of Christ, who prayed “that all may be one” (John 17:21), during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. In much of the world, this Week of Prayer is commemorated from January 18-25.

This week of prayer is an essential event for The Initiative because it touches on all three of our core practices: prayer, sharing our lives with Jesus followers from various Christian traditions, and working proactive for greater unity in Christ’s church. Members and friends of The Initiative are involved in the planning and leading or prayer events during that week and commit to personal prayer daily throughout that week.

This year, we were part of services all over the US, including the Boston area, suburban NYC, Chicago and suburbs, St. Louis, Los Angeles and elsewhere. They were powerful and encouraging experiences of “love greater than division”. Below are some pictures from the various gatherings, as well as links to livestreams in LA and Chicago that were recorded.


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

The Initiative
Resources for Your Week of Prayer Experience

Litany for Christian Unity

Daily Prayer Guide

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