Thanks so much for reading this month‘s news from The Initiative, a community committed to “walking in deeper friendship with Jesus and his followers, so that the love of Christ might exceed all divisions.” We do this primarily through prayer, sharing of our lives, and proactive work for greater unity. 

This month, I’m sharing a reflection on the essential posture of “missional ecumenism”, highlighting the further development of a key resource and kicking off the “Chapter Corner” of these monthly updates.

Scott offers some thoughts – and three challenges – related to the essential relational posture of missional unity

Resource of the Month (redux): “The Gift of Being Christian Together”

     Back in May, I shared about the development of this theological conversation between Evangelicals and Catholics (which included several members and friends of The Initiative) and mentioned that more would be coming from it. I’m excited to report the arrival of some of those additional resources that they’ve been working on.
     Here’s the encouragement to engage more in their own words: 
“The Gift of Being Christian Together is not about ignoring our differences, nor is it about one church being absorbed into another. Instead, The Gift of Being Christian Together offers a path forward for greater unity between Catholics and Evangelicals as we journey together on the way and in response to Christ’s prayer for Christian unity. We are inviting all Christians who desire to respond to this call to endorse the document. Also, as a sign of solidarity in these efforts of unity, we are asking Christians on Christ the King Sunday (November 24th, 2024) to join with those around the world by including these five actions in their Sunday liturgy or worship gathering.”
     Even if you don’t come from either of these traditions, I strongly encourage you to engage with what they’re doing here. You have some gifts to offer as well to all of us being Christians together. You can explore more here

Two videos in one update! Our friends Nathan Smith and Alexei Laushkin share more about “The Gift of Being Christian Together”

Chapter Corner – upcoming gatherings in Chicago and Memphis

     This month, we’re starting a section of the monthly update that will highlight what Initiative chapters are doing and hosting in the near future. Here are two of them:        

  • Sunday, September 15th – The Chicago chapter is collaborating with the Focolare in hosting a picnic from 12:00 – 4:00pm at Churchill Woods, in Glen Ellyn/Lombard, Illinois. Just west of Route 53 on St. Charles Road. Email here for more info.
  • Saturday, October 12th – in conjunction with our participation in the Christian Churches Together Forum, the Lower Midwest chapter will be hosting a dinner and conversation with Scott in the Memphis area. More details coming soon!

     Are you doing something or gathering Christians across difference for an event that you’d like mentioned here? Reply to this email and we’ll be in touch!

Thanks, as always, for taking the time to read and engage with this update. You’re always free to let me know any thoughts or questions
Finally, just a little encouragement from under my other hat as a campus minister with InterVarsity at Assumption University: We’ve had an unprecedented number of students from a variety of Christian traditions & backgrounds wanting to get involved in studying the Bible together over the first few weeks of the semester. It’s been quite remarkable!

Yours in Christ’s Love,
Scott Brill
Executive Director