Chapter Launch Gathering – happening this June
We’re excited to announce the first step in this year’s launching of local chapters of The Initiative: a 48-hour gathering to experience encounter across difference, to examine the core “way” and practices of encounters across difference, and to develop skills at hosting encounters across difference. This gathering will also be the collaborative engine that will help us discern the ways local chapters can best nurture the growth of “love greater than division.”
Please consider joining us from Monday June 17th to Wednesday June 19th for this important time together. More details and registration information will be up on our website soon. We don’t want money to be a barrier to your being there, so we’ll be making scholarships available.
Got questions or thoughts about the gathering or the chapter launch in general? Reply to this email or reach out here.

Resource of the Month: “One” Documentary Showing & Conversation
One of our best – and maybe most underutilized – resources is the unity documentary that The Initiative produced in 2019.
We’re hosting a showing and conversation at Assumption University in Worcester, MA (in the Community Room of the Tinsley Campus Ministry Center) on Friday, April 5th from 5:00 to 6:30pm. It’s free and light snacks will be provided. If you’re in the area, we’d love to have you join us and invite a friend as well.
Also, this is a good opportunity to mention that you can watch it for free on YouTube or Redeem TV (no ads!) or get it on DVD for $5 and host your own watch party and conversation. Click below to watch the trailer!

In a short time, the season of Lent will end and Christians all over the world, from many “corners” of the Church, will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. This joyous feast unites us in our core understanding that in Jesus we have been brought from death to life. But it will also remind us that we are not fully together. Even the date of our celebration, separated by nearly a month between western and eastern traditions, points to our fractures and to what we aren’t yet able to share together.
Let’s allow that sadness in the midst of feasting to be a pause for prayer. “Lord, make us one, as You desire. And speed the day when we all rejoice together in the fellowship of all who believe.”
Happy Easter!